More Moments with Metatron

This entry serves as an exciting UPDATE to my previous post found here. I am so thrilled and honored to share that I have completed my level 2 studies and have been qualified as a Metatron Colour Healing Practitioner!

New Offerings!

To find out more about Metatron Colour Healing™ and to book a session with me, please check out my newly added Metatron Colour Healing services here.

As I reflect on each of my cases studies and experiences throughout my level 2 training, there we so many beautiful signs and synchronicities that consistently came through for not only my clients but also for me! One of the first lessons in my Reiki training a couple years ago was, “Give a healing, get a healing” This is the understanding that when we administer healing in another, we too receive healing. I am so grateful to the individuals who were such a special a part of my level 2 training.

Signs, Signs, Everywhere the Signs

As mentioned above, each experience was magical and filled with signs and synchronicities but it was my third and final case study that really amazed me! It was here that the Flicker woodpecker who first emerged as a sign from Metatron in April 2019 when I began my Colour Healing journey, made a reappearance! This particular healing was being done over the New Moon in Gemini – Solar Eclipse. As a distance healing, I was recording an opening session when I found myself distracted by a familiar sight that flew in front of the window where I sat. It was an overcast, misty day – I was set up to record in front of a large picture window.  Just as I began to speak, a Flicker Woodpecker flew across my view and landed on the ground just below my window. This is a unique bird with brilliant yellow and red feathers in its wingspan. As previously shared, it has great symbolism to my Metatron training. I paused the recording to observe this bird as it was walking all around my front walkway. and digging in the mud.  I went outside and took several photos which I also shared with the client who has a mutual appreciation for nature and animal spiritual symbolism.  

After completing the Chakra Clearing/Light Body activation for the client, with all of the chakras spinning freely, I was drawn to choose affirmation cards for the root (traditionally associated with the color red) and solar plexus (traditionally associated with the color yellow) and lastly two Metatron Self-Mastery oracle cards as messages from Metatron and Sandalphon respectively. 

Ah-ha! As soon as I saw this “Signs” card from Sandalphon, I realized he was the one sending through the flicker during the energetic cord boosting. Of course it was him –this flicker was digging away in the mud (I realized how muddy his beak was when I zoomed in!) and Sandalphon oversees the Earth Star Chakra, at the base of our feet –where we literally connect with the earth. In fact, this client has such a strong connection to the earth and digging in the dirt!

This was truly such an amazing sign from Spirit – I connect it with Metatron yet felt the message was coming to the client from Sandalphon – As Above, So Below!

The Archangel Metatron Self Mastery Oracle created by Amanda Ellis with beautiful artwork by Jane Delaford Taylor.

Bronze – Earth Star Energy spray by Amanda Ellis

Final thoughts on the symbolism of the Flicker

So much synchronicity – referencing one of my favorite resources for Spirit Animals, below are several excerpts and especially bolded and underlined what really jumped out to me! Here is the full article on the spiritual symbolism of the Flicker.

  • “A new rhythm is coming your way” Like all Woodpeckers, Flickers are master communicators. They peck out a beat, sounding like tribal drums in the trees. Flickers are not shy about making a ruckus! They sing a message to your spirit: “Play your happy music loud and long!”
  • Flickers get their name from the colors of their wings. The undersides of their feathers are blazing yellow and red (as in the colors of the solar plexus and root chakras!), appearing like the flickering flames of a fire. If you happen to be standing to the East of the Bird, you’ll see yellow first. Standing West of the Flicker, you’ll first see red (so cool!). Both colors give Flicker associations with the Air and Fire Elements.
  • Lightworkers suggest the red color of Flicker’s head, with its pigment similar to the Root Chakra, represents stamina and creativity, and a deep-rooted passion. The black crescent looks similar to the first sliver of the new moon, offering hope, sensitivity, and a fresh cycle.
  • When the Flicker Spirit Animal flies into your existence, be ready for a bit of fire in your life. Flicker will make a distinction between the different messages it carries and reveal its true intent in its interactions with you. (This Flicker was literally digging in the mud for snacks!) 
  • Use your “feet,” stand your ground, and weather the storm. The Flicker’s feet give it yet more meaning. There are two toes in front and back, providing a perfect balance.
  • There is no question the Flicker Spirit Animal speaks to you of life’s rhythms and cyclesEach person has a spiritual heartbeat imprinted in their soul. Your incarnations may adjust the beat, add to it, expand it, but a foundation always remains as the authentic self.
  • Invoke Flicker as a Power Animal when you want to live outside the box, but find yourself at odds with expectations. The Flicker shows you how to fly above whatever images people have of you so they can see your beauty and uniqueness. From your new position, you can exhibit your independence and novelty. 
  • Another reason for calling on Flicker as a Power Animal is when you need help with communications. Think about Morse code: It’s specific, with a precise, practiced pattern, so the recipient understands the message. Clarity of thought, speech, and written words are skills Flicker Bird Energy carries in spades. Use it and watch as understanding blossoms.

The Spider on the screen

“There is a choice; One can decide whether they get caught up in the sticky web or they are the master architect, weaving their own web of life, deciding how it will take shape.”  

Metatron, Level 1 – April 2019

As I sat down last week to write my bio for Amanda’s directory of Metatron Colour Healers, and update my own website with my Metatron Colour Healing™ offerings, I looked up and saw this spider on the window just in front of me. This was complete validation that Metatron was there with me as I embark upon this next leg of the journey.

One thing that strikes me as I add some of these grainy amateur photos and videos is how they were often taken through a screen or even previously on a mirror as seen below. Each symbol and message comes to us as if through a screen – take what resonates and sift out the rest. In all cases it is a reflection back to you something coming up for acknowledgment, recognition and/or healing within yourself.

The history of the spider’s significance with my Metatron journey is again found, here.

In April 2020, I was inspired to repeat the level 1 Metatron attunement video and just after completing it, I was getting ready to go to bed and looked up, there was an ORANGE SPIDER crawling across the bathroom mirror just like the orange spider that was over my shoulder as I did my original Metatron attunement the prior year!! It stayed in view long enough for me to take a few frantic pics and then it disappeared behind the mirrors edge…wow. 🧡

As our awareness and understanding is continually expanding and growing, so is our perception of color.  I really enjoyed these exercises as they deepened the connection and served as a bridge from my memories and experiences with the various colors as well as the healing energy sprays that I associate them with.  

Level 2 Colour Studies

I am so grateful for the opportunity to be on this journey with Metatron, for the teachings of Amanda Ellis and support of the entire Angelic Celestial Colours team and community. It is my wish to be able to share these gifts with all who seek a more grounded, practical approach to authentically living life IN THE FLOW, with intention and from a place of self-empowerment and awareness. I am humbled and so honored to be able to bring that through the amazing, transformational energies of Archangel Metatron.

Much Love💖

** Book Your Metatron Colour Healing session now! Be sure to check out offerings here.

** Empowered Tarot Readings can be found here!

** Check out what clients are saying about their Empowered Tarot readings on the Testimonials page here!

1 thought on “More Moments with Metatron”

  1. Pingback: Moments with Metatron – Grow in the Flow

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