Libra Season, New Moon & The Energy of the 6’s of the Tarot

Welcome to Libra season! Libra season is approximately September 22nd – October 22nd. The New Moon in Libra is coming up on October 6th. And -oh yeah, Mercury Retrograde begins on September 27th! As a matter of fact, as of today, September 26th, there are 6 other planets in retrograde – so suffice it to say there is potential for challenges as planetary retrograde periods can bring all sorts of mix-ups, mishaps, and (sometimes unwelcome) blasts from the past, requiring us to slow down and reevaluate the paths we’re on.  This new moon in Libra is a BIG one for relationships. It brings in an opportunity to balance out relationship issues. This includes relationships of all kinds including relationship with self, others (romantic, familial, friendships, professional and everything in between!) as well as ones relationship with things such as career, abundance, wellness, etc.

Be sure to scroll to the bottom for information about a limited time special I am offering on personal readings for the New Moon in Libra!

In the spirit of retrograde, I am inspired to flash back to this blog post and video below that I created during the FULL MOON in Libra back in March of this year. I also created a Tarot spread to offer a special relationship reading which I am reintroducing now for the New Moon in Libra. Check out the details here.

Here we are taking a look at the energies of the number 6 which relates to – you guessed it – our relationships and their dynamics. The number 6 carries the vibrations of Balance, Peace, Harmony, Equilibrium, Reciprocity, Exchange, Giving & Receiving…to name a few. This energy is beautifully demonstrated in the Tarot throughout the “Six” cards of both the major arcana (VI – The Lovers) and all four suits of the minor arcana (cups, pentacles, swords and wands). Check out this video where we discuss “The 6’s” which is also summarized below.

Overview of the 6’s of the Tarot

From the photos that follow, you will note that all of the 6’s in the traditional Tarot have more than one person on the card and reflect an element of a power dynamic or imbalance.

  • The Lovers – The Archangel and the Male-Female beneath
  • Six of Cups – Two children, one older/taller, one younger/shorter
  • Six of Pentacles – The rich and the poor, the have/have nots
  • Six of Swords – A standing guide who is navigating and the passengers 
  • Six of Wands – Person atop the white horse and the crowd 

All of the relationship dynamics demonstrate the flow of reciprocity; giving and receiving. They invite us to think about in what way we embody each of the people depicted.

The Lovers

The Lovers card always denotes a choice – it looks at duality and the choice to bring ones self into harmony. There is also a nod to the temptation of the Garden of Eden. The angel depicted on the card is Archangel Raphael, the Archangel of Healing

Highlights of this Major Arcana card include:

  • Relationships as a mirror of self 
  • Our relationship with “others” (romantic or otherwise)
  •  Relationships mirror back – reflect – highlight 
  • May be very similar or vastly different than you (can compliment)
  • Teaching us deep spiritual lessons – “spiritual friendships” 
  • “Garden of Eden” seeing what possible – healed, whole, vulnerable
  • “There is a better world but it is within this one”

The Flow of Giving & Receiving  – Seeing that we are the same (equal) but not denying our differences (ie. gender)

Overall this card reflects both the microcosm and macrocosm of relationships – it is symbolic of gender, race, equality just as much as it demonstrates personal relationships. 

The 6 of Cups

The Six of Cups captures the energy of children of course but also symbolizes several other aspects:

  • The past
  • Nostalgia; fondness
  • Memories of all kinds
  • Story telling
  • Past life/karma
  • Innocence
  • Heart opening
  • Inner child
  • Past self
  • Future self

It can denote a “spiritual kinship” as it relates to the relationships with self, others or even the relationship with something like a spiritual tool such as you and your relationship with faith or prayer.

The Flow of Giving & Receiving – There is an invitation to befriend and care for your inner child. To have unconditional love and compassion for all aspects of self, for children and the adults that they become.

The 6 of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles is perhaps the plainest demonstration of the balance of give and take. This is a look at the exchange as it pertains to relationship with: other people, money, energy, resources, etc. It invites you to look at the investment being made in your relationships – (home, job, society at large, etc). It clearly highlights the dynamic that exists between the “have and the have nots”.

The Flow of Giving & Receiving –  The scales remind us that things are never going to be 50/50 in our relationships. There is a sliding scale whereby we can glean insight into where an exchange is at present. We may also get perspective on perhaps what we’re not seeing or recognizing in that exchange.  It is an opportunity to acknowledge contributions made by all parties.  It can also help us to learn to receive with a grateful heart, one that is free of resentments.

The 6 of Swords

The Six of Swords is indicative that there is a transition happening, that one is moving through (tumultuous) emotions as they hold onto hope that calmer waters are ahead.

travel, movement, moving on to brighter future, therapy/3rd party, over seer to guide through rough emotions (water) – dropping the swords – lighten the load – flow

The Flow of Giving & Receiving – On the sea of life we all take turns as the Navigator of the boat, paddling on toward the horizon with certainty and other times as the huddled passenger cloaked and clinging on to hope. I am hearing the song “Lean on Me”.

This has come to be one of my favorite cards of the Tarot, one that truly says to keep going, keep growing…in the flow. It was the inspiration for this quick mindful minute video on letting go that you can check out here.

The Six of Wands

The Six of Wands depicts a figure riding into town on a white horse, crowned in a laurel wreath. They have arrived. They are being seen, acknowledged, and celebrated by the crowd at their feet. It is about having a platform, being lifted up, and being free of the energy of comparison and competition. The ecstatic crowd are the cheerleaders, praising and holding space for the one individual. 

The Flow of Giving & Receiving – Here we see that sometimes you are the star, sometimes you are the cheerleader…sometimes the horse, carrying all the weight! 

As you can see “The 6’s” are rich with symbolism and deep meaning around our relationships. This is a strong platform to start with in order to look at any relationship dynamic you wish to get greater clarity, direction, healing, forgiveness or release with. For this reason, I have used these 5 cards to create a custom card spread for the New Moon in Libra. With the overarching energy of each of these cards, we can inquire on any relationship questions or concerns you may have. This will empower you with perspective and focus to work with over this powerful moon.

*** New Moon Special ~ Now Booking Personal Readings To Reflect On Relationships***

Click here for more info on this limited offering! If you are interested in a comprehensive Empowered Tarot reading, click here.

Much Love💖

Book Your Personal Empowered Tarot reading now! Be sure to check it out here!

1 thought on “Libra Season, New Moon & The Energy of the 6’s of the Tarot”

  1. Pingback: Mercury Retrograde: Lights!…Camera!…Stillness!? – Grow in the Flow

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