Anthony Bourdain’s Spiritual Breadcrumbs ~ Travel to the Home in Your Heart

Ok, I am firing this one off fast and furious as today June 8, 2021, marks 3 years since Anthony Bourdain’s tragic passing. Such a real, raw, shamelessly flawed human being with awesome taste in food, music and adventure. A rebel’s heart and a potty mouth, he kept it REAL. I first discovered Tony’s work on his amazing series Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown and later went back and binged Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations. If you have never seen either of these or aren’t familiar with who Anthony Bourdain is, I encourage you to check him out. You may have seen him mentioned quite a bit lately as on July 16th a documentary about his life will be hitting theaters. Roadrunner  that promises to be an “intimate, behind-the-scenes look at how an anonymous chef became a world-renowned cultural icon.” Really looking forward to this one – check out the preview below:

So anyway, what does all this have to do with “spiritual shit” as I presume Tony would call it. The man who famously said,“Your body is not a temple, it’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.”, Always revealed there was a deeper meaning; a higher perspective to all of his travels- the good, the bad, the ugly. In every dish made, every meal shared, he connected with people – all over the world – through the medium of food.

“Food may not be the answer to world peace, but it’s a start.”

Anthony Bourdain

So what follows here are the (hopefully not too scattered) spiritual breadcrumbs that started falling for me last October 2020 when one random day, driving home from dropping my daughter off at pre-k, Tony popped into my mind and just kept persisting until I jotted it all down. Glad I did because today as I was thinking about him, I remembered I had all this tucked away in my phone. So now I am just putting it all out there for you- real, raw, as I typed it and allow you to just draw your own messages from the words that follow – this is one of the things I love about Tarot, when you tune in and ask for a message, it is always delivered.

Journal Entry:


Why is Anthony Bourdain popping in my head today? Started this AM as I was driving home from dropping A at school…thought of him a few times through out the day. Pulled cards for (my friend) and I tonight from the everyday enchantment tarot deck and got the devil and hermit card which both brought him to mind down to the striking white hair and long lean, barefoot appearance of The Hermit. Also pulled The Hanged Man and as I type this it occurs to me, it is the manner of Anthony’s tragic death 😞

NOTE: This is a photo I took on 10/19/20 and sent to my friend to show her the uncanny resemblance.

The Hermit and The Devil as depicted in the Everyday Enchantment Tarot by Poppy Palin:

Journal Entry:


Before bed last night I asked for a message on what Tony is coming through with and I got 9 – The Hermit (again) “Solitude” in this deck, then pulled a final card and got its counterpart – 4 of swords  “Rest & Rejuvenate” (note 12:44)

Again- go within, meditate, connect, quiet stillness…earlier in the evening when I googled ‘Anthony Bourdain meditation’ this was the first article:

And as he talks about getting up early and being organized with lists and keeping momentum I saw this as advice for how to get on track. Then there is this quote that I feel is saying, he did not make time to slow down and connect with self for FEAR that he would lose control and then look what ultimately happened with him…

“I’m a big believer in momentum. As an ex-abuser of drugs, I’m not a person who should have any pleasurable interruptions. Inactivity, time for reflection–these are not good for me. I work a lot, do a lot of different things, but I think in some ways I’m overcompensating for the inner, hidden knowledge that somewhere deep inside me there’s a lazy hippie waiting to get out, that if I’m given the opportunity, I’d lay down on the couch, turn on Adventure Time or The Simpsons, smoke a joint, and lay there for the next six months. If I go to work, I’m going to do things. I keep at them.”

Journal Entry:

10/20/2020 – 7:33 AM

Anthony, is there a message this morning for me?  7:33 – 2 of swords – hermit – the fool

Mental Conflict2 of swords: This card deals with the inability to move forward, as self-doubt emerges from indecisiveness or not being able to take action with a person, group, or even a situation in your present life. It may not be an easy decision, but you’re already aware of this. Just remember that you have the strength, courage, and power to make all the necessary considerations. When you decide to act and finally make the choices that need to be made, then and only then will a resolution be forthcoming — and with it, a sense of mental relief.

SolitudeThe Hermit: Stop! Your soul is calling out and needs to be honored and heard. The answers you seek aren’t necessarily found in the outer world. The time has come for you to step back and withdraw from outside commotion. The Solitude Card is a reminder of how important it is to pause, still the mind, meditate, reflect, reevaluate, and discover the wisdom and answers within the very soul of your being. 

When you become more aware of your soul and heart, you strengthen the link to the Divine Source; and you’re able to once again remember your true perfection. Meet your soul halfway and schedule some alone time to commune with your soul and also to give the power of spirit the opportunity to reinvigorate you with life force and vitality.

Conserve your energy and deal with one thing at a time as you follow the prompts from within. When it comes to moments of quiet, inner solitude, it really isn’t about quantity; it’s the quality that counts. The soul constantly draws to itself what it needs in order to learn and grow. For example, during this period, someone may step into your life and by sharing his or her own experiences, you may receive helpful insight and wisdom into your own.

New BegInnIngsThe Fool: Each and every journey begins with the all-important first step. When this card presents itself in your reading, it’s confirming that it’s time for you to take a brave leap of faith — but be prepared as you do so. This card represents that a great new adventure is awaiting you. It usually shows up when there’s a significant inner change happening within you. By selecting this card, it’s a sign that those important choices are needed and are about to be made and should be carefully pondered as you proceed with wisdom, thought, and care.

Life is constantly trying to nudge and move you forward. At times, it can be daunting when you’re faced with a new adventure or direction; therefore, it calls for inner belief and courage as you take that leap of faith and step into the unknown. During this time, don’t be alarmed if you feel lost or even confused. Most people are afraid of change and play it safe by staying where they are. Know that through inner guidance, wisdom, and a belief in yourself — and by tapping into these tools — you’ll be propelled forward on a positive, life-changing path.


“Maybe that’s enlightenment enough: to know that there is no final resting place of the mind; no moment of smug clarity. Perhaps wisdom…is realizing how small I am, and unwise, and how far I have yet to go.”

Anthony Bourdain
There’s no place like the home within your heart…

Somewhere in the weeks that followed those breadcrumbs above…the Heart Chakra card came through on the Nature Speaks Affirmation cards I am creating. This card was also inspired by a trail of spiritual breadcrumbs from an early entry way back when I first started my Instagram page with this post.

“There is no place like the home within your heart. Often times we seek outside ourselves to find our way. This quest will always lead us back to the knowingness that the emerald city lies within. It is this inner wisdom that whispers “the power was with you all along, my dear.” Even if you choose to take the long way home, be at peace knowing that there is always a light on. Come home to your heart, let your light shine.”

Much Love💖

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