Aries New Moon, New Offerings & A Giveaway!

Checking in on the energies around the Aries New moon on Sunday April 11th and sharing news about NEW OFFERINGS! Check out all of the new services available & book your personal reading here. *🎁* Check out Instagram this weekend @grow_in_the_flow for a GIVEAWAY!!! *🎁*

Here is a quick collective reading looking at the Aries new moon energy and a chat about the new services and giveaway.

In a general reading, you will find some aspects may resonate more than others with a little something in there for everyone. As with any reading, take what is for you and leave the rest. Contact me here or through Instagram if you would like a personal Empowered Tarot reading.

New Moon

These cards came forward to take a look at what is using up this new moon, what is the main message and the overall outcome.

Deck used: The Queen of the Moon Oracle by Stacey Demarco

The Void

“I freely release what I no longer need.”

The Void is rising up this new moon to assure us that there is nothing to fear in letting go of negative patterns and habits, so go ahead and let go of the old. 

This is clean slate, reset energy at its finest. The Void creates a place to prepare and rest before moving on. It is an invitation to release the old and cut the cords of relationships, patterns and outdated fears that are no longer serving you. The dark moon occurs the day before the new moon so this energy is perfect for clearing the decks before setting off on the next great adventure. And that is just what we are dong – as we move through these cards, consider that you are heading off on a trip and you must decide what you will be packing for this journey. You must use discernment because you can only fit so much in your bag. Is there really room to drag along the lower vibrational energies of those old fears, worries, regrets, resentments, grudges, etc? Nope! Pack LIGHT!

In addition to clearing out the mental and emotional clutter, this is also bringing up an opportunity to clear away some physical clutter and excess as well. Spring cleaning energies and emerging from hibernation are coming through. Take some time to clear out some closets, drawers, clean out the garage…this is a great time to donate unused items to spring yard sales and charitable collections.

With all the camera trouble I had while pulling these cards, this card came up 3 separate times – it is clear this energy is woven throughout the cards that came forward and is a key component to really setting up for success as we move through the new moon energies!


β€œI take my time to be accurate and precise in my discernment.”

Perhaps one of the most important skills to nurture is Discernment. The ability to witness aspects of self and others as well as the choices and circumstances that you are presented with, from a wise, non-judgmental place.  One where you are in tune with your own intuition, apply critical thinking and maintain healthy boundaries.

This can certainly be challenged when at times things are clouded or unclear. When you are in the dark of the void and cannot see, it is then that you must go within, follow your inner guidance and trust. Sometimes we must make decisions without having all of the information. It’s important to remember that we can take steps forward without knowing the outcome. We can get caught up in “analysis paralysis” when we worry “what will happen if I do that thing?” “what if I fail?” “what if I look stupid?” This is a time to have faith over fear (see below) and trust that it will all be made clear in due time. The key is we must work with our tools and put them into action. This is the Magician energy that tells us we must take practical steps, hone our craft and above all else, we must have a willingness to make mistakes and learn from them.

Ultimately, discernment gleans wisdom β€” how perfect for the outcome of this reading! 


β€œI am courageous.”

Like The Void energy, Fear talks about those old patterns and fears that likely were created to protect you in some way but no longer have a place. This was explored at length in the Faith over Fear blog post, you can check that one out here. 

Discernment partners well with Fear, to help you face your fears, observe them without judgment and assess whether they are old or new; useful or unhelpful. From this place you are able to determine whether it’s time to let them go…most likely, its time. 

This is also bringing up solar plexus energy where there is an opportunity to clear out the lower vibrational energies of fear and self-doubt and align with the vibrations of confidence, courage, and joy. You may also benefit from spending some time outdoors in the sunshine – soak up some Vitamin D!  


β€œI use my knowledge and experience to make wise decisions.”

As you move through the fears and align with your own inner wisdom, it raises your vibration and helps elevate you to see things from a higher, more wise perspective. When you apply discernment, you continue to ascend to a place of clarity on what it is that you are looking to manifest and the steps to take to get there. This is not the place for trying to “outsmart” by cutting corners, making hasty decisions or trying to race your way up the ladder. Everything is unfolding in its own unique, divine timing. Be sure you are surrounding yourself with wise people, that you are making wise decisions and align with things that tune you into the frequency that you want to be in.

In the Wisdom card, she is standing atop a pile of books on a row boat as she reaches for the stars. This denotes maintaining balance as one moves through emotions, navigating those sometimes choppy waters with the hope and promise of brighter horizons ahead.


β€œI open myself to the pleasures of life.”

This is a beautiful card to round out the reading – it exudes expansive, transformational energy – just look at all of those butterflies! In the collective reading for Aries season, we talked about the metamorphosis of the caterpillar to the butterfly. There is real exhilaration at the true transformation taking place here. I am feeling that around April 18th you may see some developments on things you have been waiting on or have been looking to get started. Que the Action!

The pleasure card also speaks of a need for play; to not take things so seriously. There is a lovely Fool energy here of openness, awareness, willingness – a readiness for adventure and exploration. Embrace whatever comes your way as you call in the pleasures of life. Surround yourself with what brings you happiness and lightness. Move towards what raises you up – it is a clear choice between the heaviness of fear vs. the expansiveness of pleasure. As you move through the new moon and beyond, be sure to keep your energy clear and high vibe – lighten the load and allow the fire energy of Aries to transmute the dense energy which will remove it from your being and leaves you free to move about with ease.

Wishing you an expansive and transformative new moon!

Much LoveπŸ’–

*** Remember to enter in the BIG GIVEAWAY on Instagram this weekend!!***

Book Your Personal Empowered Tarot reading now! Be sure to check it out here!