Faith Over Fear – 4×4

Below this opening paragraph follows a post that I started about 4 months ago. Some of the guidance that was coming in at that time culminated into the message on the latest card “Faith Over Fear” from my deck in progress – Nature Speaks Affirmation Cards. And as I type on, I realize some of the guidance came much further back as two messages I channeled in 2019 have come up here as well. Ahh…how the Spiritual Breadcrumbs (patiently and persistently) pave the way to enlightenment! Last night, just as I was going to bed (as usual!), these words popped into my head about the big ‘F-word’…



Incidentally, I notice those 4 words come out to “F.E.E.R.” so I suppose a little play on words is in order. Today I set out to pondering what I think that was telling me to in turn share with you. 

Face your fear – see it there not as the shadowy looming figure but as the reflection of the wounded inner child within.

Embrace these parts of yourself and know that no matter the origin of these fears that may have once served to protect you, they do not need to be your reality now.

Encase your whole self in the soft pink light of love and compassion. See your fears as clouds that are lifting up and drifting away from you now.

Replace the fear with unshakeable faith that is deeply rooted in the knowingness that you are a sovereign being.

“Confront” card from The Psychic Tarot for the Heart by John Holland


So what four words would apply to Faith? As I asked that, an old Christian camp song popped right in my head…


Ok, “H.S.B.T.” ?? Not sure about that one but let’s explore the deeper meaning, shall we?

Hear with your heart

See with your soul

Be guided by a hand you cannot hold

Trust even if you cannot see 

“Trust” card from The Psychic Tarot for the Heart by John Holland

That’s What Faith Must Be

Can you see the wind?

One of the words that has been popping up everywhere is Faith. What does it mean to trust and have faith? The key is to feel into things – when we are presented with some “fact” or claim that is carrying the vibration of fear, even one of popular opinion, can we step out of our critical minds and move into our hearts and see how it feels – if it resonates within us? Often times the mind wants to analyze and scrutinize, it examines “evidence” in order to figure things out. What if we let go of the requirement to arrive at a logical conclusion or the perceived need to see some physical proof? We can choose Finding Answers In The Heart over accepting False Evidence Appearing Real.

Who Has Seen The Wind?

By Christina Rossetti

Who has seen the wind?

Neither I nor you: 

But when the leaves hang trembling, 

The wind is passing through. 

Who has seen the wind? 

Neither you nor I: 

But when the trees bow down their heads, 

The wind is passing by.

You Are Free to Choose Again. And Again.

As it slowly comes into focus for me as to how these Spiritual Breadcrumbs have been serving to teach me about faith over fear, I hope trust there were some goodies in here for you as well. Personally I have been incrementally taking steps to push through confront some of my fears by writing this blog and continually allowing myself to be seen more and more. I took a HUGE leap over here on this blog post by including a face-forward video message! 🙈🙊

Much Love.

P.S. – Spirit has just reminded me of yet another trail of Spiritual Breadcrumbs✨✨

I recorded this video on Jan 13, 2021 for the new moon in Capricorn but ultimately chickened out and didn’t post it 🙈 Once again those patient yet persistent Spiritual Breadcrumbs have gently reminded me just how long they have been marking the pathway forward 🌟 Here I am on Feb 21, 2021 deciding to put it all out there FAITH OVER FEAR that there is something here that can help, heal or otherwise impact others.💛 This is where the Devil asks us “Who are you to shine?” Make the choice to say “Who am I NOT to shine?” 🕯 

NEW! Empowered Tarot readings now available! Be sure to check it out here!

2 thoughts on “Faith Over Fear – 4×4”

  1. Emily EMAIL Wolcott

    This is perfect! Thank you for sharing your spiritual breadcrumbs and for sharing your beautiful face on video! I LOVED IT! 😘😍

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