Update! Mercury Retrograde: Lights!…Camera…Stillness?!

This blog post is serving to be my first in nearly a year! It is an update to the prior post written on September 27th 2021, which in fact was the last time that Mercury stationed retrograde in Libra.

Today is September 9, 2022 and once again the planet of thoughts, communication, technology, and travel is moving through its natural cycle and rhythm of apparent backward motion within the cosmos. It will remain as such through October 2nd. That makes for 7 planets currently in retrograde – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, and now Mercury.

This means that the Universe is really encouraging us to slow things down, take our time and practice patience.

As Mercury moves through Libra from September 9-22, it may highlight our relationships. Old relationships may come back into our lives in some way, or we may feel it necessary to leave some relationships in the past. We may also feel confused or indecisive about a certain relationship in our lives.

Later, as Mercury moves through Virgo from September 23 onwards, we may need to address the motivation behind our daily habits, particularly the habits that relate to our health and well-being. 

For more insight into this specific retrograde cycle, check out this video with messages and a collective card reading.

Retrograde Energies: Be Mindful, Not Fearful

More on how Mercury Retrograde may impact us is outlined in this prior post from the last time Mercury was retrograde. Freddie popped in with We are the Champions! Yes, Freddie will be back today for Tarot Tunes-Day Friday Edition for his Freddie Mercury Retrograde message!

Just remember, the main takeaway of “Retrograde” is to Be Mindful, Not Fearful.

In addition to these planets, we also have the astral body of Chiron currently stationed retrograde from July 19, 2022 – December 23, 2022. Check out a presentation and collective reading on that HERE and a special Chiron in Retrograde spread offering currently available HERE

So now that we have an idea of the energies that are at play here, I would like to share a series of experiences that have unraveled for me over the last several days. This is a personal share but I want to be real with you – we are all learning, evolving and expanding as we go.

I am just gonna say it.

I may have a slight issue with keeping my electronic clutter in check (my personal email has over 28,000 emails and after spending an entire afternoon last week moving and backing up photos, I still had 11,111 😉😳 UPDATE: As of 9/9/2022 the tally is at 27,577 🤷‍♀️ I suppose old habits coming around again, eh?

Ok. There. I said it.

As of now, I am down to about 6,000 photos so…baby steps! I use my phone to record all of my material for social media as well as my client readings and healings. With all of this electronic clutter, my phone is constantly out of memory and every project I work on is an (unnecessary) struggle. At the same time, I am so excited and so inspired with ideas coming in and ambitions to keep growing my little business to offer a loving service to the world. So, I have pressed on – deleting, moving, transferring – whatever allows me to just keep creating and producing. The end result has been a host of camera and audio issues, apps crashing and lost projects. Sigh.

Seems like such a simple fix, right?

So why do I insist on working harder, not smarter?

What is my aversion to taking time out to do all the “R’s” of retrograde?

Good questions. I have thoughts and am actively-resting my way into sitting with those thoughts and glean the new perspectives that they have to share.

And deleting the old STUFF that is no longer serving!

What is something you have been feeling guided to do (or not do) but have been avoiding?

Cue The Light!

Written September 27, 2021

So this totally awesome, magical thing happened on Friday when I sat down in the morning to record a collective message.

I knew I wanted to share something and brought in Archangel Gabriel, as I often do, to channel my creativity. But, I was again pulling it together on an old phone that clearly has audio issues. I was busy spinning my wheels when suddenly the light started filtering into the room as seen here and in the photos below.

When I couldnt get the camera to work, I still thought I could squeak out one more creative project! Inspired by the light, I was creating a reel on Instagram of a 3 card pull. Once I posted it, it cut off after the 2nd card (unbeknownst to me) and the work was gone!

Be still my beating perfectionist heart! 😱

Archangel Gabriel Soul-Calling & Guidance Spray by Amanda Ellis Archangel Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper, Illustrated by Jane Delaford-Taylor

Later That Afternoon…

For the past two weeks or so we have had three praying mantis living in our butterfly bush. Through observation, it appears to be two pregnant females and one busy male. Throughout the day we go out and search for them and always find they are hiding in plain sight – their typically bright green bodies camouflage to the perfect shade of the butterfly bush. Once you find them, they are literally right there under your nose, usually looking right back at you! They are fascinating creatures who have mastered the art of stillness, patience, and balance as they often hang upside down in their characteristic prayer position. They are a known spiritual symbol in many cultures to represent the power of introspection, meditation, and stillness. The message of the praying mantis was already on my radar through its presence the past couple weeks – in other words, I was/am aware that I am being guided to rest, be still and go within. Then, quite synchronistically, just two days prior, I had deeply resonated with this message from Amanda Ellis where she also spoke of the praying mantis symbolism as it relates to the Hanged Man energy of the Tarot – perceived “stuckness” that often brings about a necessary shift in perspective.

Time to BEE Still!

After all of my technical frustrations, I stopped for lunch and was sharing my woes with a friend when my husband sent me this photo of one of the females having some lunch of her own! Yikes! Poor Bee..

No coincidence, I had just been telling my friend how hard it was for me to stop:

Once I get a bee in my bonnet with an idea, I just want to keep going until its done!”

In the Spirit Animal Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid says of Bee Spirit in the challenged position: “If you have been overworking and overdoing and have not given yourself any time to enjoy the sweetness of your life, Bee Spirit is telling you to stop and recharge. Perhaps you’re afraid that if you don’t get something done, it just won’t get done. However, even busy bees need to take a break, and when they do, the honey still gets made. So remind yourself that sweetness is everywhere and available to you always” when you need it.”

Archangel Gabriel is known as the messenger angel. Well, message received! Yes! There is so much light coming in and I want to shine as brightly as I can to share all of it and yet, I need to create space to filter and integrate the light within my own being before buzzing about pollinating all the other flowers! Bee-utiful! Thank you. 🙏

This is how Nature Speaks to us, if only we are willing to slow down, pause and listen.; Following the Spiritual Breadcrumbs…

Do you have any favorite signs and symbols? In what ways does nature speak to you?

Ok then, off to do some more deleting. And, as a side note, I am working (between pauses) on updating my camera game to improve quality. So grateful to all of you supporting and appreciating my humble contributions. 🙏 As the light filters through, I most certainly will share.

Wishing you a smooth Mercury Retrograde. Until next time.

Much Love💖

Coming Soon…

In the past, I have created some content around the 6’s of the Tarot and their connection with the energy of Libra. I am looking forward to sharing another round under the upcoming new moon in Libra on September 25th as well as a special card spread offering for exploring relationships through the lens of the 6’s of the Tarot!

NOW BOOKING! Seasonal Specials, Card Spreads and Healings HERE

Let’s Connect!




