Mercy, Mercy Me

Marvin and the Divine Masculine

Please try to stay with me as I do hope I don’t sound like I am nuts trying to string together all the pieces of the puzzle but with all the SPRING energy flooding in today, I don’t have the time to sit with it so I am putting it all out there in REAL TIME!

I woke up this morning to the news of several major earth events: 7.2 earthquake off the NE coast of Japan, flash flooding in New South Wales to name two…but most notably was Fagradalsfjall, Iceland – the volcano had previously sat dormant for 6,000 years and the Reykjavik peninsula it sits on had not seen any eruption of a volcano for over 700 years until last night. Talk about Fire = Masculine energy in quite a powerful release! May all who are in the path of these events be safe and protected.

At the same time, I checked my notifications and had received a message from Instagram – way back on December 1st 2020, I posted my very first Tarot Tunes-Day Reel, it was Marvin Gaye who came through with a very powerful message from Mother Earth (see photo below) Well, Instagram took my post down to investigate copyrights (all content was provided by Instagram) So I disputed it and just today, March 20th 2021, it was restored, putting Marvin back on my radar! Marvin’s message was all about Mother Earth – the nine of pentacles and the four of pentacles coupled with his amazing song “Mercy, Mercy Me” as well as “What’s Going On?” There were so many Spiritual Breadcrumbs coming in that day to encourage me to create the reel and I had intended to follow up with a blog post but never did! One of the major and very synchronistic ones was that I had pulled the Emperor card that morning and as I listened to Marvin’s music, I noticed the uncanny resemblance in the Light Seer’s Tarot card depiction (see photo below)

The original Tarot Tunes-Day post! 12-1-2020 You can view it here.
Instagram took my post down to investigate copyrights (all content was provided by Instagram) So I disputed it and just today, 3-20-2021, it was restored putting Marvin back on my radar!
The Emperor came up on 12-1-2020 to validate that Marvin was coming through with a poignant message – I found the resemblance uncanny and sent it to my friend!
The Emperor is front and center today at the kick off of Aries Season as noted in my Aries Collective reading yesterday 3-19-2021

I Am Your Guide

The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies working in concert to deliver these messages for Aries Season and Spring Equinox.

It was via this post on Instagram this morning from Amanda Ellis (@angeliccelestialcolours) and later this video that really solidified these messages coming through for me – on this day of reawakening, when Mother Earth prepares to birth herself anew, She, along with the Divine Masculine as her escort, delivers this powerful and explosive message: I AM YOUR GUIDE. Yes! It is the Empress Energy and just as my Rainbow Color message on Instagram said yesterday “Connect to Spirit in Nature to Heal”, She invites us now to turn to Her for a sense of time – to align ourselves with the rhythms and cycles of the Earth, to use them as our guides. The time is now!

Whoa, ah, mercy mercy me
Oh things ain’t what they used to be, no no
Where did all the blue skies go?
Poison is the wind that blows from the north and south and east
Whoa mercy, mercy me,
Oh things ain’t what they used to be, no no
Oil wasted on the oceans and upon our seas, fish full of mercury
Ah, oh mercy, mercy me
Ah things ain’t what they used to be, no no
Radiation under ground and in the sky
Animals and birds who live nearby are dying
Oh mercy, mercy me
Oh things ain’t what they used to be
What about this overcrowded land
How much more abuse from man can she stand?
Oh, no no, na, na na, na
My sweet Lord, na, na, na
My Lord, my sweet Lord

Marvin Gaye 
Mercy, Mercy Me

Who Is To Decide?

So if you stuck with me all the way to this point, this is a poem of mine that I wrote as an Indigo teenager (though of course I didn’t realize my Indigo nature at the time!) The poem came to mind when Marvin stepped forward in December but always being critical of my old writing and hesitant to share, I ended up not posting it. But with the strong messages coming through today, including the one from the Judgement card in yesterdays’ Aries Season Collective Reading, that said “allow yourself to be seen”, I feel compelled to go ahead and share.

This poem was written by my Indigo Child teen-self circa 1995, who didn’t know at the time why she felt such passion and urgency about these social issues that always came up in her thoughts and her writing.

Ok, time for us to get out there and start to apply all of this wisdom and use our abundance of tools to make some magic happen! Wishing you a most powerful, productive, transformative and energized Aries Season!

Much Love💖

Book Your Personal Empowered Tarot reading now! Be sure to check it out here!

1 thought on “Mercy, Mercy Me”

  1. Pingback: Aries Season ~ Collective Reading – Grow in the Flow

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