11-11 Portal Energies: An Invitation to Connect

This afternoon I sat down to tune into the 11-11 Portal energies and all I can say is WOW!

The light!

The shadow!

The reflection of each altar element showing up as the number 11 with a door in the middle!

The Lightworker Oracle is bringing through messages as we approach the 11-11 Gateway.

As the light and shadow play continued, from every angle, the “11 Gateway” was reflected

* Merkaba Spiritual Protection * An Invitation to Connect * Hold Your Center *

Setting the intention for this 11-11 Portal message, I brought in the Spiritual Protection and Higher Self Connection spray for Awareness and Intuition.

No darkness without light; No light without darkness

“Feel safe and at peace as I am with you.  Feel empowered and supported because I am around you.  Feel ready to face whatever is in front of you, knowing that I have your back and all is well.   Within my protective care, no harm can befall you, and no darkness can invade your body, mind or energy field. 

My force is stronger than all others, I fear nothing and no-one.   I am the ruler of the Sacred Circle of Light and Dark, Duality and Balance and will always ensure the highest outcome for any eventuality, situation or relationship.  My sword is there to protect, not harm.  It is a warning to any that seek to lower you, destroy you or diminish you in any way.  A deterrent that doesn’t need to be used as its power goes before it.  It shields you, guides you as you venture or stumble into lower vibrational territory.  Know that such territory also includes your own mind.  Lower-self thoughts that attempt to derail you from your mission and purpose here, and seek to destabilise you will not break through my protection. 

By maintaining a healthy light filled aura, you are able to rise above negative energy and stay more with your higher self which is what I always steer you to be in alignment with.  Like attracts like and energy attracts energy.”  

– Spiritual Protection, Channeled Message by Amanda Ellis

Lightworker Oracle cards by Alana Fairchild, Healing Energy Sprays by Amanda Ellis

Messages in the Numbers

The Universe is speaking to you through numbers. From 11:11 on your phone, to the repeating number patterns that catch your eye, information is being transmitted from the creative universal intelligence into your cellular awareness. You may feel energetic healing as you receive these transmissions of number frequencies.

One of my favorite references for Angel Numbers is Joanne Sacred Scribes

The 11:11 Portal Opens…

North | South | East | West

Wisdom | Action | Awareness | Compassion

“I give thanks for the messages, energetic healing, support and encouragement given to me now and always through unconditional love. I give permission to unconditional love to heal my body, mind and soul through the healing frequencies of the numbers. May all beings feel the love and guiding intelligence of this supportive, nurturing Universe. Through loving grace and my own free will, so be it.”

– Invocation of 11.11

Merkaba Spiritual Protection

Being open to receive is a way to gain empowerment, strength and all manner of assistance. To enhance receptivity, it can be helpful to to e-clutter and cleanse your energy field. This allows for that which is not rightfully yours to be shed. Sometimes, this will include the disowned thoughts of and feelings of others. When you release these thoughts and feelings, a spaciousness will grow within you. Then you can receive more of what is rightfully meant to be for you – your divine good. in all ways.

An Invitation to Connect

Love exists throughout our Universe. Many loving beings that do not belong to the human race exist in worlds beyond the earthly realm. Among these are those who are aware of the spiritual plight of humanity and are willing and able to help us move forward. Unlike those who close their minds because they fear the unknown, you have an open mind and an open, receptive heart. Beings from other worlds recognize you as a receptive channel for their unconditionally loving assistance in this world. You will both benefit from this individually and help the planet – so you are being offered an invitation to connect.

Hold Your Centre

Have you been rushing out to meet others, trying to bend or accommodate their needs at the expense of your own well being an inner peace? Now you are to strengthen your own energy, your own boundaries, to find your ground, firmly place your feet there and do not move. Feel your feet anchoring you like a beautiful tree. Let yourself experience quiet certainty, as you hold your center with commitment, courage and consciousness.

The Fourth Ray of Harmony

The Fourth Ray of Harmony comes to you now with the qualities of beauty, harmony and balance. It empowers you to complete a spiritual initiation. Any conflict you experience now serves your divine purpose. It will eventually become the fuel you need to be born anew. Something negative will be transformed into something positive period the Archangel Gabriel helps you to receive the blessing of the 4th ray of harmony, now.

Wisdom of the Divine Feminine

Divine feminine wisdom empowers you to grow into your vision, your dreams and the fulfillment of your life purpose. Perhaps you envision a very different life for yourself to what you are experiencing now. This wisdom reminds you that you can experience even the most extraordinary dreams as reality if you are willing to grow into what you desire, to become what you seek. Surrender any plans about how you can best manifest your dreams and, instead, allow life to guide and nourish you through your experiences each day. The Universe supports your divine destiny and is helping you become all you are meant to be.

“I call upon the wisdom of the Divine Feminine, and I ask for the blessings of nurturing, development, evolution and growth into the best and most beautiful divine destiny for me. Through her loving grace period I am guided, protected and assisted to become all that I can be. With gratitude and trust in the flow of my life, I relax and take the journey. As I do so, I helped to bring common consciousness to the world for the greater good. So be it.”

– Innvocation of the Wisdom of the Divine Feminine

A Gallery of Light & Shadow

The highest vibrational energy and light are in this sacred space where client readings and healings are done. All photos and video taken by me 🤗

Know that you are divinely protected, lovingly guided, empowered and grounded in sovereignty, you are invited to connect in quiet certainty, with commitment, courage, and consciousness, to receive – to become – to transform anew… when you are ready, cross the threshold into the divine ray of light of all that is. So be it.

Much Love💖

** Check out Metatron Colour Healing sessions  here.

** Empowered Tarot Readings can be found here!

Let’s Connect!



