New Moon in Aquarius ~ Quick Check on Collective Energies

Checking in with the Queen of the Moon Oracle by Stacey DeMarco for a quick read on the collective energies around the upcoming New Moon in Aquarius. Also, bringing in the Air Elemental energy spray by Amanda Ellis for purification and clarity of any heavy thoughts (swords energy) and anything that is coming up to be “aired” – communicated and/or expressed. These cards really seem to be an extension of yesterdays collective reading which took a look at how each of us can be honing our own unique gifts and talents amidst that pesky swords energy – check it out here on my new YouTube channel!

New Moon Three Card Spread


“I am enjoying moving and choosing, moving and choosing.”

It’s time to take a beat and assess your current position. Have a look from this higher vantage point and make sure any blind spots are revealed. Be sure you are being honest not only with yourself but with others as well. This is where the need to communicate with truth and clarity may come up for you. Now that you are seeing things with this wider lens, you may find that there are steps to take or decisions to make that seem more difficult than the path you’ve been on. Remember that sometimes the hard decision is the best decision. If you find that you have been on a path that is no longer serving you, take a pause, get out the map and reassess your course and determine if you would like to take a new direction. Be able to move quickly based on that assessment, all will be well.


“I joyfully blossom and I feel no fear.”

This beautiful card invites us to tend to our own garden with love and care. Remember that every flower opens in its own time. Once you’ve assessed which direction you are heading, you begin moving into this place where you are ready to open up. There may be others around you feeling envious of where you are in that process, but blossom anyway. Likewise, you may see others who have already blossomed in ways you are still working toward and fear your time will never come. But stay in flow and nurture your own flowers. Like an instrument, you must practice your craft, you may have to fine-tune and adjust as you go but continue to play your own unique music.


Everyday I bring radical self-love to body, mind and spirit.”

“Self-love” and “Self-care” may be over utilized buzzwords these day however they really are so important. So often we get caught up in all of the “not enough-isms”, the stories we tell ourselves that we are not smart enough, pretty enough, successful enough…all of these limiting beliefs add up to one thing – not loving SELF enough. Then there is the “too much” talk. We think we are too tall, too short, too fat, too thin, too old, too young…a seemingly endless cycle of perpetuating lack and self-loathing. Make the choice to witness these things with love, acknowledge that you are doing the best you can right now and show those parts of you acceptance and compassion. Take caution not to compare yourself to others. When you get wrapped up in the comparison craziness, it creates a diversion from connecting with your authentic self. Spend time focusing on you and not others. Observe your past mistakes and perceived short comings as what they are, simply information gathering. Empower yourself with this information. Explore where you’d like to change. Focus on self-love and discover a path forward. Choose YOU.

🌹𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘶𝘥, 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘮… 🌸

As I was interpreting the messages in the spread above, I was reminded of this card from my Nature Speaks Affirmation Deck. It also demonstrates the energy of “Blossoming” so beautifully. Just as unique as all of the flowers in a garden, so too are each of us – blooming and growing at our own pace; in our own time. Wherever you are in your process, tend to yourself with love and tenderness and extend that same compassion to others as well.

One Last Card ~ The Masculine

“May the positive attributes of the masculine align with me.”

Coming up as one last card to put a punctuation mark on our reading for this Aquarius New Moon was The Masculine. This suggests that following this period of assessing, gently blossoming with tenderness and self-love, the time will come for action. Like yesterdays reading this can involve your taking a course, learning a new skill or acquiring more information. Stand in your power and be ready to emerge as a leader when that fiery energy rises again. So for now, take a deep cleansing breath of this air energy, think about what it is you would like to bring in and set those new moon intentions! ✨

Wishing You a Happy New Moon in Aquarius!

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